Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sailing the Coast of Denmark

I love the water and I was so happy when Jess suggested that we go sailing one weekend. So Em, Tayler, Jess, and I signed up to go together. We read the description and it sounded fun. We finally got an informational email the day before saying we would be like crew members and we would cook all of the meals for each other, do a night watch, clean, etc. This sounded like fun to me...kind of, but none of us were completely impressed. The weather forecast was no favorable and so we all went in excited..."ish." It was cold and rainy and we did have to sleep on benches in a room with 20 other people (one of which who snored). We were on breakfast crew and we had night watch right before so I woke up at 5:45am so get ready to get up. Sadly, I woke up about 3 hours after I went to bed because we ate dinner at 11:30pm and everyone stayed up drinking keeping those that wanted to sleep awake. In sounds like I'm complaining...and well, I guess I am. But the next next (our one full day) the weather was beautiful. It was chilly and a coat and blanket were needed to sit on the deck, but the sky was awesome and we made such great meals for each other. I couldn't help but think about my grandpa. The water was so calm and still and it reminded me of how when he used to take my brother and I fishing he would sit there in silence, just watching the water and patiently waiting for a bite. It smelled like him too. Everything was so peaceful and I just know that he had to have been there in those moments with me.
The best part...the sun set. It was amazing how the colors melted into each other and I a little part of me wishes that someone will take me out sailing for the sun set again.

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